How can they afford this? I mean this Kesar Elaichi industry. How much do these companies earn? This industry makes such colorful products But do we even know how big it is? Even I didn’t know But after I found out the answer So today,

How can Pan Masala companies afford these big stars?

Pan Masala companies sponsor film awards They print full-page ads in major newspapers And even their 30-second ad shoots are done in foreign locations Doing all of this requires money all these brands can easily afford this the Pan Masala market in India is worth Rs. 41,000 crores! To put things in perspective The chocolate market in India is Rs. 16,000 crores The biscuit market in India is Rs. 37,000 crores Big stars will charge Rs. 10 crores for an ad For an Rs. 41,000 crore industry this sum is only 0.02% India leads the world in Pan Masala export And the biggest importer is UAE India’s tobacco industry employs 4.5 crore people.

Is it legal to sell people cancer?

What did the Pan Masala companies do?

Why do Cancer cases come from India?

Does the Pan Masala industry have some shame?

People, who spit on your country?



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